What do to when the cloud Gods open the skies, and meals have to be moved inside? A modified version of the movable feast.
A group in Western New York recently gathered for a cookbook club (aka Cooka Nostra) meeting. Garden fresh tomato and basil, and fresh mozzarella salad; corn on the cobb with home-enhanced butter, fruit skewers and yogurt dip; Chicago-style hot dogs and homemade apple pie, were all on the menu.
Butter mixed with sea salt, chives, garlic, lime zest and a touch of juice, gave farm-fresh corn a kick. The butter did have to be set in the fridge, since we were in the middle of a heat wave.
Blogger Lucinda Scala Quinn recently published her Chicago dog recipe in Living and it came in handy when searching for something to make inside.
Eating out of the garden is a summertime perk